Heatcraft® Coil Calc
Heatcraft® Coil Calc is a coil selection program for Heatcraft® Commercial coils. The user can generate a complete submittal package, including performance data, coil schedule, and certified approval drawings. The program provides performance data for Commercial and Industrial applications utilizing 0.375″, 0.500″, and 0.625″ tubing for fluid, evaporator, and condenser applications and 0.625″ and 1.00″ tubing for steam applications.
Coil Calc’s certified ratings are application ratings resulting from our tests according to standard test codes in agreement with AHRI standard rating methods for Standard 410.
Heatcraft® coils are AHRI certified because we have confidence in what we build.
CoilCalc – Registration Required ( follow the link to the Modine Select site and Sign-Up

Heatcraft® Designtools
Heatcraft® Designtools is a coil rating program for Heatcraft® OEM custom coils. The user is basically working from a clean sheet of paper by selecting every aspect of the coil and providing the air and tube side operating condition which the program then uses to rate the performance of the user specified coil. The program allows full access to the extensive variety of fin configurations, tube sizes, and available tube materials to the user to optimize the heat exchanger for their application.
The results from this program are based on wind tunnel testing. We always recommend a prototype build to assure that the heat exchanger as configured in your unit meets the performance requirement.
DesignTools – Registration Required ( follow the link to the Modine Select site and Sign-Up.
Coils for Windows (AHU)
Coils for Windows (Coils1g) selection software is all you need to make the right choice from our wide product range. The software calculation illustrates the operating conditions, dimensions, weight, and volume of the coil selected. In addition, printable project information shows comprehensive data and dimensional drawings.
The results from this program are based on laboratory testing with yearly updates.

Current version:
Download Coils Selection Software
Standard program, no need for a customer code |
Heating/cooling coils |
Heat recovery systems |
Unit air heaters/coolers |
Ventilation products |
Customer Specific Software Options |
Customer Specific Software requires registration providing a Customer Code |
Contact Modine Sales at [email protected] to register |
Customer specific version can include prices, but also customer defined OEM coils |
Heat Exchangers | Selection of coils for heating or cooling of air with water plus any freeze protection used, evaporation/condensation media or steam. |
Air unit heaters ATD & LVD | The program handles liquid coupled heat recovery systems with up to 20 input and exhaust coils. Input data to be specified is airflow, temperature, and humidity for each coil and required temperature efficiency, if any. It is also possible to specify required coil dimensions. The program presents the performance under the dimensioning conditions but also for three other surrounding temperatures. In case an anti-freeze control is needed, the performance of the system under the adjusted conditions will be presented as well. If required, the program will also present a system chart. This system chart suggests dimensioning of the system, including required tube dimensions, pump, vents, and control devices. Finally, the program offers a tool for estimating the profitability – considering location, operating time, investment costs, energy price, etc. |
For any software support, please contact us at [email protected]